If (like myself) you’re not as fresh-faced as you once were, maybe it’s time to change things up.
Unlike teenagers today, we didn’t grow up with YouTube tutorials or Google. We had to buy magazines (remember them?) or go to the beauty counters in Debenhams, Boots or House of Fraser.
Back then it was quite intimidating asking glamorous older women what they recommended. So we all just did the same as our friends...applying bronzing balls, coffee shimmer lipstick and off we went!
Fast forward 20/30 years and we still don’t really know what suits us. We are well and truly in our comfort zones!
Our skin has changed, trends have changed, products have changed... but our knowledge hasn’t!
Fear not...I’m here to help.
First things first, let's talk about our canvas...

The Skin
This is our foundation (pun intended). Good skin = good makeup. It’s best that the skin is well looked after. Cleanse, tone and moisturise everyday. Exfoliate once or twice a week. Visit a good beautician regularly and drink plenty of water! This will drastically improve your skin.
Primer: Is it necessary?
Yes and No.
YES - If you want to create the perfect surface to apply your makeup and want it to last as long as possible. For example, some skin brightening primers are great as we get older to recreate a youthful glow.
NO - If you are only wanting to wear makeup for a couple of hours and your skin is looking and feeling great. If you are using the right skincare products and the perfect foundation, then it’s not necessary.
Every makeup artist will have different opinions but ultimately, it’s up to you!
Foundation do’s and don'ts.
As we get older our skin loses its elasticity and plumpness. Which means it can be a little drier. So the same goes for primer.
DO : Go for a foundation that is light on the skin. This means we avoid cakey or dry skin. When using a lightweight foundation, use a concealer to cover any unwanted blemishes or age spots.
DON’T : Use powdered or heavy coverage foundation. Yes, they will COVER redness and blemishes. But they won’t give you a nice finish. It will feel heavy and cakey, doing nothing for our fine lines and wrinkles.

DO : I absolutely love using cream blusher on more mature skin. Again it gives more of a healthy glow than a drying powder finish. Top tip for this is to look at some of your lipsticks as a cream blush, choose an appropriate colour and dab on with a dampened brush.
DON’T : Avoid using a powder with lots of shimmer and/or highly pigmented ones. Long gone are the days of Aunt Sally cheeks.
DO : Fill your eyebrows in, but make sure it is a flattering shape. With an appropriate colour and product. This depends on the colouring and thickness of your natural brows. Some pencils are great as are some powder products.
DON’T : Draw a thin black/ dark line where you think your eyebrows should be. This is extremely harsh and unflattering.

DO : Invest in some good quality eyeshadow brushes (E.g my Phoenix Pro Collection). We want a variety of blending brushes to keep the eyes soft. Depending on your needs we can still go full smoky but it must be well blended. Opting for neutral tones is flattering at any age.
DON’T : Use a sponge tip applicator (put these in the bin!). Also, avoid a lot of shimmer or glitter around the eyes. This will only draw attention to our fine lines.

DO : Use a lip liner. Make sure it's sharp and has a similar tone to lipstick. Always use a sharp lip brush as well. We lose our natural lip line so we need to paint one on! Try out different lipsticks and glosses.
DON’T : Smudge it straight on from the lipstick. It’s hard to get sharp polished lips this way. Also avoid matte lip paints as they can feel very dry on the lips.
Of course, we are all different! We are different ages, complexions, skin textures and have different styles and personalities.
The best recommendation I can give you is to book a one-to-one lesson with myself at the studio. Bring your makeup with you and we can spend some time going through what you already have and I can recommend a few other bits to buy.
I’ll walk you through how to create a professional look at home so you can do it yourself!
I promise you’ll feel fab
Ciara x